Florida Blue’s Medicare Supplement Plans – Benefits

Discover Florida Blue's Medicare Supplement plans, designed to fill gaps in Medicare coverage. This article explores plan details, benefits, and exclusions to help you make an informed choice. Florida Blue's plans address copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles, providing financial predictability and reducing unexpected medical expenses. By carefully reviewing plan details, beneficiaries can select coverage that best protects their health and finances, enhancing their quality of life in retirement. Florida Blue remains dedicated to providing valuable healthcare solutions to seniors in Florida.

Navigating the complexities of Medicare Supplement plans can be challenging, but understanding the specifics of what is included and what is excluded can greatly influence the decision-making process. 


Florida Blue's Medicare Supplement Plans


Florida Blue, a well-known provider under the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, offers a range of Medicare Supplement plans designed to fill the gaps that Medicare does not cover. This article delves into the details of these plans, helping you grasp the benefits and exclusions to make an informed choice.


Key Benefits of Florida Blue Medicare Supplement Plans

Florida Blue’s Medicare Supplement plans enhance the coverage provided by traditional Medicare. Here are some of the primary benefits these plans offer:

  • Extended Coverage: These plans often cover additional services beyond what Medicare pays, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles, ensuring less out-of-pocket expenses for beneficiaries.
  • Flexibility and Choice: Beneficiaries can choose from various plan options, each with different levels of coverage and costs, allowing individuals to select a plan that best fits their health needs and budget.
  • Nationwide Coverage: Unlike some insurance plans with geographical restrictions, most Florida Blue Medicare Supplement plans offer coverage across the entire United States, providing peace of mind for travelers and those living in multiple states.


Florida Blue’s Medicare Supplement Plans provide essential coverage to fill the gaps left by traditional Medicare, addressing costs like copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. These plans enhance financial predictability and reduce the burden of unexpected medical expenses. 

A notable feature is the freedom to choose any healthcare provider nationwide that accepts Medicare, offering flexibility especially beneficial for those who travel. Some plans include access to the SilverSneakers® fitness program, promoting overall well-being and active lifestyles among enrollees. With options catering to various health needs and budgets, Florida Blue’s Medicare Supplement Plans offer a robust solution for individuals looking to extend their Medicare coverage and secure more comprehensive healthcare benefits.


Common Exclusions in Florida Blue Medicare Supplement Plans

While these plans provide broad coverage, there are specific exclusions that beneficiaries should be aware of. These exclusions generally include:

  • Services Not Covered by Medicare: Any service or supply not covered or approved by Medicare will also not be covered by Medicare Supplement plans. This includes cosmetic surgery, hearing aids, and eyeglasses.
  • Non-Medicare-Eligible Expenses: Costs that exceed what Medicare deems as a covered service are typically not eligible for coverage under these supplement plans.
  • Conditions Arising from Certain Activities: Expenses arising from war, participation in a felony, or being under the influence of narcotics (unless prescribed by a physician) are not covered.
  • International Travel: While some plans do cover emergency services abroad, routine care received outside the United States is generally not covered unless specified in the plan details.


Plan-Specific Exclusions

Florida Blue outlines specific exclusions that apply to particular plans, which can vary significantly:

  • Plan A: Excludes the Medicare Part A inpatient deductible and Medicare Part B deductible for care received outside the United States.
  • Plans B, K, and L: Include exclusions for the Medicare Part B deductible and non-emergency international care.
  • Plans C and F: Specifically exclude non-emergency medical services received abroad.
  • Plans D, G, M, and N: These plans do not cover the Medicare Part B deductible for services outside the U.S. unless they are deemed medically necessary emergencies.


Florida Blue’s Medicare Supplement Plans include specific exclusions that vary across different plan types, crucial for members to consider when choosing a plan. Plan A excludes coverage for Medicare Part A and Part B deductibles and care outside the U.S. Plans B, Select B, K, and L do not cover the Medicare Part B deductible and care outside the U.S., with additional exclusions for skilled nursing facility care under Plans B and Select B. 

Plans C and F exclude coverage for non-emergency medical services received abroad. Plans D, G, M, and N, as well as their select versions, exclude Medicare Part B deductible and non-emergency international care. These exclusions are vital for understanding potential out-of-pocket expenses and ensuring that the chosen plan meets an individual’s health care and travel needs.



Florida Blue’s Medicare Supplement plans offer comprehensive benefits that can significantly reduce the financial burden of healthcare costs. However, understanding the exclusions is crucial to avoid unexpected expenses. 

Beneficiaries can choose a plan that best protects their health and finances by carefully reviewing the details of each plan and considering personal health needs and travel habits. With these plans, Florida Blue continues to provide valuable health coverage solutions to Florida’s senior residents, enhancing their quality of life during their retirement years. Feel free to reach out to our reliable representatives for further information regarding Florida Blue Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans directly by dialing 1-888-559-0103.