Understanding Medicare Part C & Part D Enforcement Actions: A Guide for Beneficiaries

Understanding Medicare Part C and Part D Enforcement Actions is essential for beneficiaries to navigate Medicare plans effectively. When Medicare Plan Sponsors fail to meet program obligations, CMS can take enforcement measures to ensure compliance and protect beneficiaries. These measures may include civil money penalties, intermediate sanctions, or contract terminations. This guide provides clarity on how enforcement actions impact plan availability and accessibility, helping beneficiaries, SHIP counselors, and others understand Medicare administration better. By learning about plan status identification, suppressed information, and sanctioned plan details within the Medicare Plan Finder, individuals can make informed enrollment decisions confidently.

Part C and Part D Enforcement Measures

CMS possesses the power to initiate enforcement measures or contractual actions in cases where it finds that a Medicare Plan Sponsor:

  1. Significantly breaches program and/or contract obligations,
  2. Operates its CMS contract in a manner incongruent with the efficient and effective management of Medicare Part C and Part D program stipulations, or
  3. Ceases to substantially adhere to the pertinent conditions of the Medicare Part C and D program.


Enforcement and contractual actions may involve:

  • Imposition of civil money penalties (CMP)
  • Implementation of intermediate sanctions (such as marketing, enrollment, or payment suspension), and
  • Contract terminations.


Navigating the complex landscape of Medicare plans can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding enforcement actions related to Medicare Part C and Part D. These actions, designed to ensure compliance and protect beneficiaries, can significantly impact plan availability and accessibility. 


Understanding Medicare Part C & Part D Enforcement Actions A Guide for Beneficiaries


In this article, we delve into the intricacies of Medicare Part C & Part D Enforcement Actions, providing clarity on how these actions affect plan information, enrollment options, and search results within the Medicare Plan Finder (MPF). Whether you’re a Medicare beneficiary, a State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) counselor, or simply someone seeking to understand these critical aspects of Medicare administration, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate Medicare enrollment with confidence and understanding.

Here’s a breakdown of the various features related to Medicare Part C & Part D enforcement actions, intended to assist SHIP counselors and other Medicare helpers in explaining these actions within the Medicare Plan Finder (MPF):

1. Identification of Plan Status

  • Suppressed Information: Indicates if a plan’s details are being withheld.

  • Sanctioned Plan: Indicates if a plan is under a sanction that prohibits marketing activities and/or enrollment.


2. Displayed Values

  • All values under question (e.g., drug pricing, plan benefits, star ratings) will appear as “N/A”.
  • For drugs not covered, the default or pharmacy cash price will be displayed.


3. User Experience for Current Enrollees

  • Current enrollees will continue to view their plans normally.
  • The plan displays as usual in Plan Finder search results.


4. Enrollment Actions

  • The enrollment button is disabled and replaced with a message prompting users to contact the plan for enrollment.
  • Sanctioned plans are not visible in Plan Finder search results.


5. Sanctioned Plan Details

  • A link to sanctioned plans will be available at the bottom of the search results page.
  • Sanctioned plan results will only show plan contact information and links to sanction letters.


6. Excluded Plans

Excluded plans do not appear in Plan Finder search results.


In Summary

Understanding Medicare Part C and Part D Enforcement Actions is crucial for beneficiaries navigating the complexities of Medicare plans. The enforcement measures outlined by CMS serve to maintain program integrity and protect beneficiaries’ interests. Through the imposition of civil money penalties, intermediate sanctions, or even contract terminations, CMS ensures compliance with program obligations.

This guide aims to shed light on how these enforcement actions impact plan availability and accessibility, providing clarity for Medicare beneficiaries, SHIP counselors, and anyone seeking to understand Medicare administration. By familiarizing oneself with the identification of plan status, suppressed information, and sanctioned plan details within the Medicare Plan Finder, individuals can navigate enrollment confidently, armed with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.



DISCLAIMER: Please verify the information provided here with the primary source to ensure accuracy. We strive to present information correctly. It is advisable to confirm details directly from the primary source for accuracy and reliability.