Medico: Short-Term Care Insurance Overview

Discover how Medico’s Short-term Care insurance safeguards your retirement savings and enhances daily living. Our guide explores plan options, benefits, and riders tailored for aging in place with peace of mind. Prepare today for a better tomorrow. In today's fast-paced world, preparing for the future is crucial, especially as our healthcare needs evolve with age. Short-term Care insurance provides a safety net, allowing individuals to age gracefully at home while safeguarding retirement savings. Explore Medico's Short-term Care plan, designed to cover extended care needs both at home and in facilities, ensuring a worry-free daily living experience.

Preparing for the future has never been more critical in today’s fast-paced world. As we age, our needs change, and so do our healthcare requirements. 


Medico: Short-Term Care Insurance


Short-term care insurance emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a safety net that allows individuals to maintain an active lifestyle while aging gracefully in their homes. This insurance type safeguards retirement savings and ensures a worry-free and enhanced daily living experience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nuances of Short-term Care insurance, spotlighting Medico’s Short-term Care plan—a product designed to cover extended care at home or in a facility, catering to both medical and non-medical needs.


The Essence of Short-term Care Insurance

Short-term care insurance is an indemnity-based plan, a pivotal aspect that distinguishes it from traditional reimbursement models. This plan pays out a full daily benefit regardless of the services received, making it a flexible and valuable option for those seeking coverage for in-home or facility-based care. The adaptability of plan options, tailored by the responses to health-related questions on the application, ensures a personalized approach to healthcare.


Plan Options: Navigating Your Choices

Medico’s Short-term Care plan offers varied options, accommodating different needs and circumstances:

  • Essential Care Plus: Aimed at individuals who answer “No” to all health questions, this plan offers up to $300 a day for 360 days of in-home health care. It offers a choice between a 0—or 20-day elimination period. Benefits can be restored once, making it a robust choice for comprehensive care.
  • Essential Care: This plan is designed for those answering “No” to the initial six questions but “Yes” to any subsequent ones. It offers up to $150 a day for 360 days, with a 20-day elimination period. This plan features less restrictive underwriting broadening accessibility.
  • Limited Benefit Rider: Available to applicants meeting specific criteria, providing up to $100 a day for 180 days, with a 90-day elimination period. It’s a supplementary option for those qualifying for Essential Care or Essential Care Plus.


Enhancing Care Through Plan Highlights

Medico’s Short-term Care insurance goes beyond basic coverage, incorporating benefits that significantly enhance quality of life and care:

  • Household Improvement: A $500 indemnity benefit for home modifications is offered, facilitating a safer and more comfortable living environment.
  • Care Coordination: Another $500 indemnity benefit aids in establishing a care plan, ensuring needs are met efficiently and effectively.
  • Discounts: Substantial discounts are available, including household discounts for applicants living with someone over 40 and multiple policy discounts for those with a Medicare Supplement policy.


Optional Rider Benefits: Tailoring Your Coverage

For those seeking additional protection, its  Short-term Care plan offers optional riders:

  • Nursing Facility Care Rider: Extends care to facilities with up to $500 per day for 360 additional days.
  • Inflation Protection Rider: This rider increases the daily benefit amount annually by 5%, preserving the value of your coverage.
  • Adult Day Care Rider: Provides coverage for adult day care visits, enhancing social interaction and care.
  • Return of Premium Rider: This policy offers a return of premium (minus any claims paid) after 10, 15, or 20 years, adding a financial safety net to your investment in health.


Why Choose Short-term Care Insurance?

Investing in Short-term Care insurance is a strategic move towards a secure future. It offers peace of mind and ensures that retirement savings are protected from the often substantial costs of healthcare. 

With its plan options’ flexibility and added benefits and riders, individuals can tailor their coverage to fit their unique needs, making every day better without the worry of tomorrow’s healthcare needs.



Short-term Care insurance stands out as an essential component of a comprehensive retirement plan. Medico’s Short-term Care plan, with its flexibility, comprehensive coverage options, and additional benefits, offers a tailored approach to securing your healthcare needs in the future. By choosing to prepare today, you’re making a better tomorrow—a tomorrow where you can do more, worry less, and enjoy every day to its fullest. Feel free to reach out to one of our reliable representatives. Would you prefer to chat by phone? Give us a call at 1-888-559-0103.