United World Life Medicare Supplement Review

Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Company Review

Pros and Cons :

  • United World Life, a subsidiary of Mutual of Omaha, is a unique subsidiary as it continues to expand its offerings in different states. It offers new competitive products, which makes it stand out from most subsidiaries that tend to limit the expansion of its offerings. This allows United World Life to remain competitive in the market and continue to offer new and diverse products to consumers.
  • United World Life has some of the most attractive high-deductible plans depending on the state you live in.

  • If you live in Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi,  Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Utah, you might have experienced a high rate increase on your Medicare supplement plan and might be exploring other options and other carriers.
  • They do not offer a free gym membership, however, they do offer a discounted membership in certain states.

Overall Rating: 4/5
Rating Stability: 2/5
Financial Stability: 5/5
Coverage Area: 5/5
Competitive Rates: 4/5

Our Take

United World Life is a subsidiary of Mutual of Omaha. They have an A.M. Best and S&P Rating of A+ (Superior). With fantastic customer support, a high rating, and competitive rates, we recommend them when they are a new subsidiary to a state. They are most competitive when they offer their high-deductible Plan G.

United World Life Insurance was founded in 1983 as a subsidiary of the Mutual of Omaha, a long-standing insurance and financial services company. The company operates independently as a health and life insurance carrier while enjoying the strong financial backing and brand name recognition of its parent company. For this reason, United World Life shares the same great financial ratings as its parent with an A+ rating from AM Best, an A+ rating from Standard & Poor’s, and an A1 rating from Moody’s. Their Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans are among the most popular in the market. On average, they issue policies within four days using an automated underwriting process. We discuss below how you might be affected by what state you live in and the plans offered. So please contact us if you are an existing member or new to Medicare.


DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this carrier review is for general information purposes only. Discounts and offers may vary by state and may not be fully detailed in this article found on our website. For more information on the discounts available in your state, please contact us at 1-888-559-0103.

What States are United World Life’s most competitive?

  • Most competitive states include: Missouri and Florida
  • If you are an existing United World Life plan member in Indiana, Iowa, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, California, Mississippi, Tennessee, or Kentucky, we highly encourage you to reach out to us to discuss your rate and plan at 1-888-559-0103.


United World Life Supplement Plan Benefits

Beyond helping to cover the out-of-pocket costs of Medicare, such as copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles, United World Life supplement plans offer several unique benefits. For example, if your current medical provider accepts Medicare, they will also accept your United World Life supplement plan, whichever plan you choose. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about switching physicians, as you will be able to keep your current Medicare doctor.

United World Life offers a household discount rate if you and your spouse both choose a Medicare Supplement plan from them. Depending on the state in which you reside, the household discount rate will be between 7% and 12%. If you and your spouse are both in need of a supplement plan, choosing an insurance provider that offers a good household discount may factor into which supplement plan offers you the best monthly rate.

Additional United World Life Plan Features:

  • Low monthly premium payments.
  • 1-year locked-in rate.
  • Automatic claims filing.
  • Excellent customer support is available.
  • Guaranteed plan renewable for as long as premiums are paid.
  • No waiting period for pre-existing conditions during open enrollment.


Set Appointment

This appointment is meant to alleviate any concerns and there is no-cost or obligation to make a change.


Medicare Supplement Plans Offered by United World Life

Each of the supplement plans offered by United World Life is designed to cover the different gaps found in Original Medicare coverage (Parts A and B). United World Life offers five different supplement plans: A, B, F, G, and M. Here, we’ll go over the United World Life plan choices and the coverage that each provides.


Mutual of Omaha Patient


United World Life Supplement Plan A

United World Life’s Plan A offers the most basic coverage of the supplement plans, as all health insurance providers are required to offer a Plan A option. It covers the Part A coinsurance payment for inpatient hospital care, Part A hospice care copayment, Part B copayment, and the first three pints of blood used in a medical procedure. While this is often one of the more affordable options, keep in mind that Plan A policyholders are left paying for expenses like the Medicare Parts A and B deductibles, skilled nursing care, and Part B excess charges.


Plan A Features:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care.
  • Medicare Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  • Medicare Part B copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  • The First 3 pints of blood are used in a medical procedure.


United World Life Supplement Plan B

United World Life’s Plan B covers everything that Plan A does, such as the Part A hospital care, Part B copayment, and Part A hospice care copayment. However, in addition to Plan A coverage, Plan B also provides coverage for the Part A deductible.


Plan B Features:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care.
  • Medicare Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  • Medicare Part A deductible.
  • Medicare Part B copayments and coinsurance.
  • The First 3 pints of blood are used in a medical procedure.


United World Life Supplement Plan F

United World Life’s Plan F provides the most comprehensive coverage of all the supplement plan offerings, which is what makes it the most popular option. It covers both Part A and Part B deductibles, Part B excess charges and coinsurance, and Part A hospice care coinsurance. Keep in mind that Plan F’s low out-of-pocket costs and extensive coverage come with the tradeoff of carrying the highest monthly premium rates. But for those who may be facing steeper copayments and deductibles due to ongoing medical attention, Plan F may offer you the best value when compared to cheaper plans.


Plan F Features:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care.
  • Medicare Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  • Medicare Part A deductible.
  • Medicare Part B deductible.
  • Part B excess charges.
  • Preventative care Part B co-insurance.
  • Part B co-insurance or co-payment.
  • The First 3 pints of blood are used in a medical procedure.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance coverage.
  • Foreign travel emergency coverage.


In addition to this standard Plan F offering, there is a high deductible Plan F option. The high deductible option requires that beneficiaries pay out-of-pocket expenses for the first $2,490 before the plan picks up coverage. Because the beneficiary is responsible for these higher initial out-of-pocket costs, it is a cheaper alternative than the standard Plan F. However, it still provides the same comprehensive coverage as the standard plan and maybe a more cost-effective alternative for those who do not foresee immediate healthcare costs but appreciate the security of the plan’s extensive coverage.

It is important to note that Plan F is in the process of being phased out and will no longer be a supplement plan option starting on January 1, 2020, for those born after Jan 1, 1955 (with few exceptions.) However, if you enroll before this date, your plan will not be affected, and your plan’s coverage will remain in its current format. The change will only be applicable to newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries.


Vital senior couple


United World Life Medicare Supplement Plan G

United World Life’s Plan G is similar in many ways to Plan F, differing only in the Part B deductible. Where Plan F offers coverage of the Part B deductible, Plan G does not. However, as a result, Plan G is usually a less expensive alternative to Plan F. Another important feature of Plan G is its coverage of Part B excess charges, as a majority of the Medicare Supplement plans have forbidden the coverage of these charges.


Plan G Features:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care.
  • Medicare Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  • Medicare Part A deductible.
  • Medicare Part B preventive care coinsurance.
  • Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment.
  • Part B excess charges.
  • The first 3 pints of blood are used in a medical procedure.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance coverage.
  • Limited foreign travel emergency coverage.


United World Life Supplement Plan M

United World Life’s Plan M coverage is similar to that of a Medigap Plan D option, except that Plan M pays for half of the Medicare Part A hospital deductible (whereas Plan D covers all of the deductibles). Additionally, Plan M does not cover the Part B outpatient deductible or Part B excess charges. Sharing in these deductibles and excess charges, however, leads to a lower monthly premium. Apart from these distinctions, Plan M covers the same basic benefits as the other supplement plans.


Plan M Features:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance payments for inpatient hospital care.
  • Medicare Part A hospice care copayment or coinsurance expenses.
  • Part B copayment or coinsurance payment.
  • The first 3 pints of blood are used in a medical procedure.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance coverage.
  • Medicare Part A deductible 50% of costs.
  • Foreign travel emergency 80% of coverage.


Plan M has no limit on out-of-pocket expenses, which means that you must pay any additional out-of-pocket costs not covered by Original Medicare or your supplement plan. Supplement plan options that cap out-of-pocket spending cover any services that reach above the specified limit for the rest of the calendar year.


Set Appointment

This appointment is meant to alleviate any concerns and there is no-cost or obligation to make a change.


Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Pricing

For all Medicare Supplement products, pricing will vary depending on the state where you live and the company you choose.

The below rates are from ZIP code 63102 in Saint Louis, MO for females aged 65 monthly. Rates vary based on ZIP code, gender, age, and, in some areas, health. A 12% household discount applies to Missouri (if eligible).

  • Plan HDG: $​49.53
  • Plan F: $245.13
  • Plan G: $​145.68
  • Plan N: $126.40


Rates are subject to change since the time of illustrative quote was derived.

It is important to keep in mind that all Medicare supplements are federally standardized and cover out-of-pocket Medicare-approved expenses. This means they must cover the same exact benefits, making shopping around a critical step in the decision process for Medicare supplements. Because of this, be sure to check out the other important factors that should be driving your Medicare supplement decision.


What is the Best United World Life Supplement Plan?

United World Life offers five different supplement insurance plans to meet the varying needs of the many Medicare recipients. The best supplement plan choice will often differ from person to person, so weighing factors like your current healthcare needs or financial goals can help with your decision. Additionally, taking the time to view the various supplement plan options available in your area can make a big difference, as variables like monthly premium or household discount rates can differ from state to state even among the same insurance provider.

The United World Life plan benefits are standard for Medigap plan offerings, so you can be certain of the coverage you are receiving. If you are interested in adding a supplement to your Medicare coverage, keep your eye on upcoming enrollment dates. Your six-month open enrollment period is the best time to do this, as you have guaranteed-issue rights toward the plan of your choice.

A licensed agent can guide you through this process and help determine which of the United World Life supplement plans best fits your healthcare needs. Connect directly with one of our agents to find the plan that’s right for you or if you would like to draw your own quote and self-enroll you can visit here: Mutual of Omaha Quote and Self-enrollment Tool. However, you should call us at 1-888-559-0103 to guide you through the process: 

Get A Free Quote Medicare Nationwide Opinion of United World Life

Since its inception, United World Life has enjoyed widespread popularity as a top insurance provider thanks to its array of insurance products, strong financial ratings, and high-quality customer service. We feel confident offering United World Life supplement plans for these very same reasons.

Great plan features like household discounts, automatic claims filing, and a 1-year lock-in rate, add to United World Life’s popularity and competitiveness in the market. Additionally, their track record of offering low premium supplement options paired with the backing of its reputable parent company, Mutual of Omaha, make this supplement plan a safe and smart choice.

Supplement plan rates and availability can vary depending on location and other factors. If you would like to learn more about the United World Life plans available in your area, connect directly with one of our trusted agents. We love connecting people with the right insurance plans.

Prefer to chat by phone? Give us a call at 1-888-559-0103.